Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 13

OK, after some helpful advice from folks at, I'm a bit calmer about the peeing thing (just hope I stay that way!). One mom told about her similar experience and the use of 5HTP/taurine that helped with the stress her little guy was having, and the peeing stopped after a short while. After researching 5HTP/taurine, and knowing that the tryptophan in 5HTP is already in NV (as well as the L-taurine), I'm just going to keep up with the NV and see if the peeing gets better.

Both the tryptophan and taurine can affect mood and anxiety (in a good way) - think of how you are after a Thanksgiving dinner. The tryptophan in the turkey usually mellows people out. (that's a simplistic way of comparing it, but that's the idea) With the stressors Josh is dealing with, perhaps the levels of tryptophan and L-taurine in the NV will help him - we'll see in time.

I know deep down that the peeing thing and the PNES (which, now that I think about it, he didn't have any yesterday! Wow!) are both reactions to the stressors and anxiety he is dealing with (for a lot of different reasons), so let's hope NV helps.

Yesterday ended on a positive note - after Josh did the peeing on the couch thing, he spent quite a bit of time on the toilet - a bit of diarrhea (which also could have been the reason for the peeing thing). When he was done, he was calmer and even took a snooze before Gramma, Boompah, Uncle Barry, and Aunt Linda got here. When he woke up, he went to pee in the bathroom (yeah!), he ate a little something (just some toast with cheese - didn't want to push anything with the diarrhea), sat up for just a little bit while we were visiting, and then went right up to bed (stopping to pee in the bathroom again! yeah!!).

There are just so many things going on in my kid's body and head. With him not being fully able to tell me what, many times it's just observation, experience, history, intuition, and educated guesswork that answer the questions. (Without any recognized "name" for all of his conditions, I've always referred to him as my enigma) Admittedly, sometimes I'm wrong, but generally I think I figure things out pretty well. I was wrong for losing my cool with him yesterday, and I told him that, but I also told him that it does make me angry when he doesn't get up to pee. We both ended the day saying we'd both try harder.

We'll see what today brings - we go meet his summer school teacher, I want to try to get him over to the drop-in kidcare place to leave the paperwork and give him the chance to see the place/meet the people, and, here's the tough one, he needs to go have a blood work-up. Yikes!

Day 13 begins.

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