Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 117, 118 and 119

Kind of a rough few days. Don't even remember what the note said for Friday but I know the bus times were hard. Yesterday I had to go to the office again so Gramma and Boompah were here. They said Josh played around for awhile but mostly they were just "lazy." Josh wanted to order supper so we ordered and Dad went to get it - when he got back, Josh was almost totally asleep, didn't get up to eat, and did fall asleep while we were eating. He wound up going up to bed without eating (he did get his meds in along with an NV - he wound up having an extra NV since he didn't drink them on Friday - he had school lunch and I'm not exactly sure what happened with the drinks for lunch and during the day). Anyhow, he had enough protein throughout the day.

Started Josh back on the fish oils (earlier than I had planned but that's OK) - Ultimate Omega blend from Nordic Naturals - keeping him on the basic dose (2 caps a day) for now and he's taking it without any complaint - "the magic fish" that helped him so much with speech. I started him on them yesterday, Day 118. Today, Day 119 (of NV, that is) his sentences were already longer and clearer. But, on the other hand, he was so uncooperative today. We went to Ottawa - but it took an hour and 15 minutes for him to get off the floor after getting out of bed, then just sat on the toilet for another 20 minutes or so. I think he was working himself up to being overly anxious about going. We finally got out the door and to Ottawa. The day was OK except he wouldn't even consider getting out of the car. On the way home, he got very teary and said he missed Ottawa and "the old house" (which happens to be for sale). We talked about how I miss Ottawa too sometimes, and it's an OK thing to miss our friends and the happy times we had there. But, it's also really important to think of the good things that are happening now - so we went through a bunch (we like our house, our cats, Josh loves his teacher and school and SEDOM, etc., etc.). When we got home around 5:30, he wouldn't come out of the car. He finally came in around 6:10 or so. He went right into the bathroom, threw his dirty clothes down to the basement, came into the living room where I was. I sat down on the couch and said today was too much for me, that his behavior and the uncooperativeness was too much for today. So, what does the stinker do - comes right over and gives me a hug and kiss, and says, "I love you, Mommy." How can you possibly remain upset or worn out after that?

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