Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 10

This has been a rough day, Day 10. Several instances of extreme stubbornness, laying down, not going in to pee, only three PNES, but lots and lots of uncooperativeness, and, for the first time in ages, he hit at me. In a younger child, it would probably be considered tantrums so, from what other folks have written on, this seems to be the norm for this time period on NV. I can only hope and pray this comes to an end soon. School starts next Monday! I tried to time the NV start with this week of yuck now so that it may be over by the time summer school/camp starts. We'll see if I timed it right, and if Josh follows the pattern others have seen. Keep your fingers crossed.

We did go see Josh's new doc today - he's cool, younger, Josh seemed to like him. He had one of the PNES as we were getting out of the car (a bit on the "nerwous" side and overwhelmed). A couple of the doc's nurses came out to see if they could help - I explained what it was and said he'd be OK in a minute - he was and he walked in, all talkative, standard for the PNES routine. He had another one when it was time to leave the doc's office - doc saw it as well. Again, when it was over, he just got up and walked out, stopping to ask the girls at the front desk if they had a vacuum (!). The folks there were terrific, made no big deal about it all. Doc's appt was about an hour and a half - talking a lot about Josh's history and so on. Doc has confirmed (again - this is doc #5 to say this) that the PNES are not causing damage to the heart. As in any type of seizure, the heart beats faster, but it is not damaging to the heart itself. And, from what he saw when Josh had the PNES in the office, he's convinced, as is everyone, that they are a behavioral/emotional response and not a physical thing. We have to go for blood tests - that should be fun. I want to try to take him this Thursday but it will all depend on how his behaviors are - might have to wait until next Friday.

Doc took a look at the NV information - he sees nothing in it that is harmful, the protein levels look fine. He just said, diet-wise in general, to try to watch his fats and carb intake - which I try to do anyhow. My doc looked at the NV materials this a.m. at my doc appt. She said also that it all looks fine, nothing harmful for Josh and good for me to try it as weight loss aid, perhaps to bring sugars down more. She was impressed with the spices and ayurvedic ingredients. So, once again, listening to my heart/head seems to be the way to go!

Gramma and Boompah will be watching Josh tomorrow - I will be going to the office to hopefully finish a brief. Not sure what to expect.

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